Webinar on Demand: The Social Service/Psychosocial Component of the Comprehensive Care Plan

Available NOW!


It seems that when we begin to write or develop social care plans, we get so caught up in "textbook terminology" that no one really understands what the Social Worker has written. The plans seem to be so generic that they could be applied to any and all residents in the building, an immediate and direct deficient practice. In many cases, the plan is not reflective of the actual care and service that is being provided to the resident. And let's be honest, most Social Workers write more when less would be so much better. Surveyors are being asked to determine how the care plan links goals to psychosocial functioning/well-being. So what are the components of a well-developed social care plan? In this one-hour webinar, utilizing the MDS 3.0 and Social History/Assessment as a foundation, Cat will share guidance as to the identification of needs, issues, strengths, choices/preferences and the development of person-centered, individualized goals and interventions that will be truly reflective of the care and services we are providing.

This is a Webinar on Demand, which means that your employees will be able to view the training at their convenience, whenever they prefer, as many times as they prefer, for up to one year after the webinar has been recorded. What a phenomenal training tool for experienced professionals, as well as new employee orientation!

Cost: $99.00 per user. 

User is defined as one computer and one phone line per registrant. There is no limit to the number of participants per user. In other words, gather as many staff as you want around a computer to learn or broadcast the webinar to an entire room via an LCD projector.

$ 99.00