give your staff the necessary tools they need

Training -

Cat Selman has literally trained thousands of health care professionals in all 50 states. The Cat Selman Company provides seminars and workshops on a variety of topics that are pertinent to the healthcare professional. We provide quality education and training to those professionals in aging services who share the responsibility of caring for elders. We invite you to experience our educational training on a different level. Seminars that have been presented virtually will be made available through video recordings after seminar date, and offered in our online trainings. Watch this area to determine if seminars are being scheduled in your region or state.


Participant comments...

"I have been in long term care for 35 years and a licensed administrator for 30. I was delighted to listen to a common sense speaker who speaks not only from knowledge, but knowledge through experience." ~ LTC Administrator


"One of the best speakers I have ever heard on client based needs. She was fabulous!" ~ Licensed Social Worker


"I could listen to Cat all day and never get bored. She presents change and motivation in a humorous, take control way. It is like a breath of fresh air to listen and know someone else understands the hardships in the industry, but gives down-to-earth, simple tips, cues, and directions to get through it." ~ Registered Nurse


"I'm overwhelmed with wanting to go back and adjust my programming to be the BEST, but know I will change things one step at a time. Thanks for the tools to help me." ~ Activity/Recreational Professional



helpful hints

Newly scheduled events, educational offerings and major announcements are announced in this area. Be sure to stay up to date with what’s new with The Cat Selman Company by signing up to our list of contacts.




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