Webinar on Demand: Trauma-Informed Care - What Your Staff NEEDS to Know!

AVAILABLE: December 20, 2018


CMS states "The facility must ensure that residents who are trauma survivors receive culturally competent, trauma-informed care in accordance with professional standards of practice and accounting for residents’ experiences and preferences in order to eliminate or mitigate triggers that may cause re-traumatization of the resident.” Every employee delivering care or service to any resident should have the training and competency skills in this area. The requirement addresses much more than just PTSD! This one-hour webinar will address aspects of trauma-informed care as it relates to the CMS requirements: physical trauma, mental/emotional/psychosocial trauma, survey focus, documentation/care planning, as well as training issues. This is a webinar that every employee in your facility needs - taught in a manner that everyone can understand!

This is a Webinar on Demand, which means that your employees will be able to view the training at their convenience, whenever they prefer, as many times as they prefer, for up to one year after the webinar has been recorded. What a phenomenal training tool for experienced professionals, as well as new employee orientation!

Cost: $99 per user. 

User is defined as one computer and one phone line per registrant. There is no limit to the number of participants per user. In other words, gather as many staff as you want around a computer to learn or broadcast the webinar to an entire room via an LCD projector.

$ 99.00