give your staff the necessary tools they need





Webinar on Demand: New Changes to Immediate Jeopardy

In March of this year, CMS issued new surveyor guidance for assessing Immediate Jeopardy. The guidance included four major areas of change that took effect immediately. This 1-hour webinar will cover the new changes that went into effect, and how the changes are going to impact your next survey. One of the changes involves recognizing and citing “psychosocial harm” for Immediate Jeopardy concerns. Added to this new guidance/policy change is the emphasis that the CMS RoP has placed on surveyor’s use of the “Psychosocial Negative Outcome” Guide. CMS states that Immediate Jeopardy situations "must be accurately identified by surveyors, thoroughly investigated, and resolved by the entity as quickly as possible. In addition, noncompliance cited at Immediate Jeopardy is the most serious deficiency type and carries the most serious sanctions for providers, suppliers or laboratories (entities). An Immediate Jeopardy situation is one that is clearly identifiable due to the severity of its harm or likelihood for serious harm and the immediate need for it to be corrected to avoid further or future serious harm.” We have already seen an increase in Immediate Jeopardy citations during the past two years, and feel certain that there will be more Immediate Jeopardy citations as a result of this new policy change. Give your professional staff the information needed to be prepared for this new survey focus! 

This is a Webinar on Demand, which means that your employees will be able to view the training at their convenience, whenever they prefer, as many times as they prefer, for up to one year after the webinar has been recorded. What a phenomenal training tool for experienced professionals, as well as new employee orientation!

Cost: $99.00 per user.

User is defined as one computer and one phone line per registrant. There is no limit to the number of participants per user. In other words, gather as many staff as you want around a computer to learn or broadcast the webinar to an entire room via an LCD projector.

Special Note:

If you are already an Annual Subscriber to our Webinars on Demand, these webinars are included in your subscription. If you are not an Annual Subscriber and would like to be, please go to:

$ 99.00